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Articles de conférences

  1. CL Bérubé, R Kenko, J-L Gagnon, F Baron. (2025). Machine learning of induced polarization: from mechanistic models to field data. Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society Symposium, p. 20-23. Toronto, Canada.
  2. CL Bérubé, JL Gagnon. (2024). Machine learning of complex conductivity anisotropy. 7th International Workshop on Induced Polarization Book of Abstracts, p. 16-17. Lund, Suède. Poster PDF.
  3. JL Gagnon, CL Bérubé. (2024). Integration of rock anisotropy in the GEMTIP model. 7th International Workshop on Induced Polarization Book of Abstracts, p. 22-23. Lund, Suède. Poster PDF.
  4. CL Bérubé, F Baron. (2022). Data-driven sensitivity analysis of mechanistic induced polarization models. Extended Abstracts of the 6th International Workshop on Induced Polarization, p. 6-7. Annecy, France.
  5. CM Lesher, M Hannington, A Galley, K Ansdell, T Astic, N Banerjee, S Beauchamp, G Beaudoin, M Bertelli, CL Bérubé, et autres. (2017). Integrated Multi-Parameter Exploration Footprints of the Canadian Malartic Disseminated Au, McArthur River-Millennium Unconformity U, and Highland Valley Porphyry Cu Deposits: Preliminary Results from the NSERC-CMIC Mineral Exploration Footprints Research Network. Dans Proceedings of Exploration 17 : Sixth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration, p. 325–347. Toronto, Canada.
  6. S Perrouty, RL Linnen, N Gaillard, JR Clark, CL Bérubé, P Lypaczewski, R Mir, GR Olivo, CM Lesher, SJ Piercey, et autres. (2017). Integrated multi-parameter footprint of the Canadian Malartic gold deposit, Québec, Canada. Dans Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Proceedings of the 14th Biennial SGA Meeting, vol. 3, p. 1103–1106. Québec, Canada.
  7. CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, GR Olivo, S Perrouty, P Shamsipour, RJ Enkin. (2017). Spectral induced polarization signatures of altered metasedimentary rocks from the Canadian Malartic gold deposit Bravo zone, Québec, Canada. Dans Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Environment and Engineering Geophysical Society, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2017, p. 204–208. Denver, USA.
  8. CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, GR Olivo. (2016). Bayesian inference of spectral induced polarization parameters at the Canadian Malartic disseminated gold deposit. Dans Extended Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop on Induced Polarization vol. C, p. 22-25. Aarhus, Danemark.

Résumés de conférences

  1. LMA Nagasingha, CL Bérubé, CJM Lawley (2024). Geological and geophysical data integration for Canadian magmatic Ni (± Cu ± Co ± PGE) mineral prospectivity modelling. KEGS Foundation Jerry Roth Student Symposium, Toronto, Canada.
  2. CL Bérubé, JL Gagnon. (2024). Generalized effective medium modeling of induced polarization accelerated by neural networks. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Tucson, USA.
  3. CL Bérubé, R Benzetta. (2023). Discretization-free Debye decomposition of spectral induced polarization data. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, New Orleans, USA.
  4. CL Bérubé, P Bérubé. (2021). Application des auto-encodeurs au débruitage des mesures géoélectriques en exploration minérale. Québec Mines + Énergie, Québec, Canada.
  5. CL Bérubé, V Bouzaglou, L Hall. (2019). Segmentation d’orthophotos pour faciliter la planification des campagnes d’exploration sur le terrain. Québec Mines + Énergie, Québec, Canada.
  6. CL Bérubé. (2019). Improving geological mapping with airborne geophysics and semi-supervised machine learning. PDAC Exploration Insights, Toronto, Canada.
  7. CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, GR Olivo, S Perrouty, RL Linnen, RJ Enkin, P Shamsipour, P Lypaczewski, N Gaillard, N Piette-Lauzière. (2017). Spectral induced polarization signatures of altered metasedimentary rocks of the Canadian Malartic gold deposit Bravo zone, Quebec, Canada. PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Toronto, Canada.
  8. CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, P Shamsipour, GR Olivo. (2016). BISIP I: A program for Bayesian inference of spectral induced polarization parameters, and application to mineral exploration at the Canadian Malartic gold deposit, Québec, CA. EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienne, Autriche.
  9. CL Bérubé, S Perrouty, P Lypaczewski, M Chouteau, GR Olivo, P Shamsipour, RJ Enkin, RL Linnen. (2016). Outcrop-scale physical properties mapping and integration of multidisciplinary mineral exploration data from the Canadian Malartic gold deposit Bravo zone, Québec, Canada. PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Toronto, Canada.
  10. CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, GR Olivo, S Perrouty, RL Linnen, RJ Enkin, N El Goumi, RP Wares. (2015). Physical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore body and host rock. PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Toronto, Canada.
  11. N Blacklock, GR Olivo, RJ Enkin, CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, S Perrouty, RL Linnen, N El Goumi, RP Wares. (2014). Integration of Mineralogy and Rock Physics Properties Applied to the Footprint of the Canadian Malartic Gold Deposit. PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Toronto, Canada.
  12. CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, GR Olivo, S Perrouty, RL Linnen, RJ Enkin, N El Goumi, RP Wares. (2014). Propriétés physiques du gisement d’or Canadian Malartic : résultats préliminaires. 12e Forum Technologique CONSOREM-DIVEX, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada.
  13. CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, GR Olivo, S Perrouty, RL Linnen, RJ Enkin, N El Goumi, RP Wares. (2014). Physical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore body and host rock: preliminary results. GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting, Fredericton, Canada.
  14. CL Bérubé, M Chouteau, GR Olivo, S Perrouty, RL Linnen, RJ Enkin, N El Goumi, RP Wares. (2014). Physical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore body and host rock: preliminary results. PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Toronto, Canada.

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